Stop-IBS Tablet is an ayurvedic tablet that restores the gastrointestinal motility and relieves many Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS) associated symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, abdominal bloating, abdominal pain and the feeling that a bowel movement is incomplete. It contains Kutaj, Bilwa, Brahmi and Sunthi.
Ingredients in Stop-IBS tablet such as Kutaj regulate the gastrointestinal motility, Bilwa and Brahmi act as nerve sedatives and relieves anxiety and tension. Sunthi, a carminative, relieves flatulence and abdominal distension.
It reinforces the bodys natural supply of digestive enzymes, assists in digestion, absorption and assimilation. It also modulates intestinal motility, normalizes stool consistency, regulates stool frequency and relieves colic and abdominal distension.
Dosage: 1 tablet,thrice a day, for minimum 3 months.
Use under medical supervision.
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