Kottakkal Dhanwantaram Gulika


  • Bronchial complaints
  • Hiccup
  • Aggravated kapha complaints
  • Gas trouble
  • Chest pain.
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Description:Dhanwantharam Gulika is a traditional Ayurvedic medicine in tablet form used for the treatment of Bronchial complaints, Hiccup, Aggravated kapha complaints etc.,

Ela – Cardamom  Elettaria cardamomum
Vishva – ginger – Zingiber officinalis
Abhaya – Harad – Terminalia chebula
Jati – Myristica fragrans
Bruhati – Solanum indicum
Arya – Kiratatikta – Swertia chiraita
Jeeraka – Cumin  – Cuminum cyminum
Chinoshana – Kankola – Piper cubeba
Bhunimba – Andrographis paniculata – Whole plant
Rudraksha – Elaeocarpus Ganitrus
Suradaru – Devadaru – Cedrus deodara
Karpoora – Camphor – Cinnamomum camphora
Karigudha – kadivenna – Karigutha
Mrigaretasa – Gandha Marjara Veerya – Civet cat semen (Many manufacturers skip this ingredient).

The ingredients are taken in equal quantities and pounded with decoction of Cumin (Jeeraka Kashaya) and sandalwood decoction (Himambhasa – Chandana kashaya)
Pills of 1 Masha size are prepared – 750 – 1,000 mg.

It is administered along with the decoction made of
Bark of Panasa – jack fruit tree
Bhunimba – Andrographis paniculata
Jeeraka – cumin

Bronchial complaints
Aggravated kapha complaints
Gas trouble
Chest pain.

Traditional indications: 
Shwasa – asthma, respiratory disorders involving difficulty in breathing
Kasa – cold, cough
Yakshma – Rajayakshma – chronic respiratory disorder, Tuberculosis
Hikka – hiccough
Chardi – vomiting
Kapha Praseka – increased Kapha Dosha
Vata Anulomaka – restores normal pathway of Vata Dosha (useful in bloating, vomiting).

1 tablet 2-3 times daily mixed with aristas, kwathas or jeeraka water.

How long can it be taken:
It can be taken for a period of 2 – 3 months time, with gradual decrease in dose.

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