
Dhootapapeshwar Arsha Hita Tablets 60 TAB


‘Arsha Hita’ an efficient formulation to reduce the complaints of Piles & related disorders. With ingredients like Shuddha Sarja Rasa, Arishtaka & Soorana having excellent Gamitva in Guda Pradesh, Shuddha Sarja Rasa reduces Bleeding & Itching in Piles with Stambhak & Kandughna properties, Arishtaka reduces the Pain with Anti inflammatory action & helps in Healing of Piles by Vranaropaka action & Soorana also known as ‘Arshoghna’, is a wonderful Agnideepak, Pachak, Ruchivardhak and Arshoghna Dravya.


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‘Arsha Hita’ an efficient formulation to reduce the complaints of Piles & related disorders. With ingredients like Shuddha Sarja Rasa, Arishtaka & Soorana having excellent Gamitva in Guda Pradesh, Shuddha Sarja Rasa reduces Bleeding & Itching in Piles with Stambhak & Kandughna properties, Arishtaka reduces the Pain with Anti inflammatory action & helps in Healing of Piles by Vranaropaka action & Soorana also known as ‘Arshoghna’, is a wonderful Agnideepak, Pachak, Ruchivardhak and Arshoghna Dravya.




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